God is the author and controller of all my days, and His gift of rest was mine for the taking.
Much like we sort through and put away Winter clothing, perhaps it’s time to put away some of the winter heaviness in our souls.
There are times when we become so self protective of the seed we call ourselves and determined to preserve what we have come to know as our lives, that we have difficulty imagining that there could be something greater for us on the other side of death.
Spring is almost here. I am ready for “Spring Forward''…
I dare not conjecture at what Mr. Floyd may have been thinking about as he felt his life slipping away, but the fact that “Momma” was among his last words ever spoken hits me deep in the core of my own motherhood.
“Christ’s love empowers me and facilitates me forward. It is the motivation behind everything I do.”
“...body and soul, I am marvelously made!”
Sabbath is a lifestyle modeled by our Savior.
“We need to repent for lack of rest because we continually compete with God for control.”